Referrals and Endorsements

Don’t take our word for it, after years of consultation and collaborations, we have worked with many industry leaders and government to ensure the standards and information provided in our publication are relevant and informative. Our gratitude goes out to our industry peers for their endorsements and reviews.

Read the impressive Book reviews..

Thank you for your letter of 5 October 2009 to the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, Concerning your book “When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down”. As the matters you have raised fall under the education portfolio, your letter has been referred to the Hon Julia Gillard MP, Minister for Education, who has asked me to respond on her behalf.

You would be aware that there are currently a number of work place units of competency contained in the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services integrated Framework Training Package which underpin training for people who construct retaining walls.

Training in these areas is often conducted through the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) system. The TAFE system is a State and Territory govemment responsibility. Consequently it would be necessary for you to make contact with the appropriate area within that system in each State and Territory with a view to discussing the possibility of having your book taken up as a training text.

Your interest in training future works in the important area of retaining wall construction is commendable. Thank you for bringing the availability of your publication to the Minister’s attention.

Finally, let me congratulate you on writing the book. It is extremely important that experiences like yours are not lost and benefit younger generations.

Yours sincerely
Dr Margaret Cameron
A/g Branch Manager
Industry Engagement Branch

“Thank you for your letter dated 23 March regarding your published book, ‘When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down’. The Honourable Geoff Wilson MP, Minister for Education and Training, has asked me to respond to you on his behalf.

l am informed your book was forwarded to Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE (MSIT) as it currently offers courses in Horticulture. Mr John Hagan, Horticulture Teacher, MSIT, reviewed your book and advises it would be an invaluable teaching resource for the horticulture team and students at the Institute.
l understand the book addresses key issues relating to retaining walls, drainage and industry
compliance which is suitable for Certificate ll and Certificate Ill delivery”

Principal Advisor
Office of the Hon Geoff Wilson MP
Minister for Education and Training

“I refer to the above book, written by Alan Davis. This publication contains practical solutions to a range of problems experienced with retaining walls when lack of preparation leads to their failure.

The book would be a valuable resource to students, contractors and home owners wishing to study retaining walls and the structural implications associated with maintenance.

Mr Davis’ book is practical and historical, highlighting some of the deficiencies encountered when constructing and repairing such structures. It is of significant value to both engineers involved in design and contractors in construction.”

Yours faithfully

Chris Boyle
Executive Manager
Policy, Legislation, Research and Support Services

“I am sure that this book will be of significant use to any Engineering, Construction, and Building Groups and also a valuable educational tool for students. It will be an invaluable record capturing how things can go wrong if the project is not fully prepared, and is excellently illustrated in every aspect of design, construction, repair and failures of retaining walls. Well done.”

Darryl F.Walters FIE Aust CPEng NPER3, RPEQ 4279
Design M ager, Humes
Technical (Design) Services, Brisbane

” I believe this reference manual will prove of benefit to those many and varied people and individuals who design and build retaining walls in both wet and dry foundation/backfill conditions. The manual will, no doubt, be a valuable reference tool for engineering students undertaking undergraduate/post graduate studies in the design of retaining walls and associated geological issues.”

Wayne Holt
BE (Hons). MIE Aust. CP Eng. NPER RPEQ
Technical Manager

“it’s with pleasure that l endorse the book ‘When Retaining Walls Come Tumbling Down” By Alan J. Davis.

It will prove to be excellent reference manual of practical solutions to an extensive range of problems that can occur in the book’s subject matter.

It will also be an analytical guide in solving the reasons for failures of retaining walls and revetment walls particularly using the numerous pictorial images to assess the many facets that may have caused the original problem.

l therefore have no hesitation in recommending this publication to all persons involved or intending to be involved in earth retention structures such as students, engineers, builders, council and building certifiers and inspectors.”

For and on behalf of
Westera Partners Pty Ltd

“Recently I was given the opportunity to studied the proof copy of your book “When retaining walls come tumbling down” and found that the case studies covered most of the types of jobs I had been involved with. Once a case study similar to the problem job has been located in your book it becomes a simple matter to interpret the requirements for this new job and design a satisfactory and economic solution.

l commend you and your team on this publication and recommend that any business, enterprise or training institution associated with retaining and revetment walls should have a copy of this book in their library.”

R.P. Harcourt
Chartered Engineer (Australia)
NPER 87732, RPEQ 1068. EC 23199